The Economic Development Corporation is constantly researching key industries and businesses in Clay County.
The Clay County economy is vibrant. One of the fastest growing counties in Florida
Clay County is home to a strong and diversified economy that capitalizes on the region's strategic advantages. As a suburban community of Jacksonville, our community is filled with educated and hard working talent. Our regional military presence and the great quality of life afforded veterans locally facilitate our strong aviation and defense sector. The First Coast Expressway is furthering our strong logistics capabilities. Clay County is also part of Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) No. 64 which can provide significant cost savings.

Learn more about Clay County's strong industries.
Possibility Flows In Clay CountyClay County is home to many different industries and business opportunities that continue to evolve and develop. The key industry sectors are robust and concentrated in our community and region.
Business Support Services
Healthcare and Life Sciences
Advanced Manufacturing
Aviation and Defense
Logistics and Distribution
Information Technology
Clay County is open for business. Economic Development is the No. 1 priority of the Board of County Commissioners.
The relaxed and comfortable environment make Clay County an ideal spot for locating a business. With a highly educated workforce already in place, abundant available property and access to ports, railroads and major interstates, Clay County has the right mix of lifestyle and amenities for your business.