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February 21, 2022 St. Johns River State College student spotlight: Alondra Alvarez

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ORANGE PARK – Alondra Alvarez, 20, wanted to stay close to home for her college studies after graduating from Ridgeview High. “I was not intrigued by leaving home,” she said. “I have always been close to my family, so leaving home was not in my plans.”
Since St. Johns River State College is close to home for Alvarez, she enrolled there and completed her Associate in Arts degree in the summer of 2021. This two-year journey gave Alvarez more time to think about the career path she wanted to take in the future.
Enjoying the small classes at SJR State, Alvarez saw no reason to change schools to pursue her next degree, so she enrolled in SJR State’s Bachelor of Applied Science in Organizational Management program with a focus in Health Care Administration. Upon learning that the program offered an administrative health care track, Alvarez’s initial uncertainty about her career path suddenly became crystal clear.
We asked Alondra about her academic career at SJR State and her future goals.

What inspired your interest in the baccalaureate degree program?
When I first started my A.A. degree, I was not sure what to major in. Later, when I was looking into the bachelor’s programs that SJR State offers, I came across the Bachelor of Applied Science in Organizational Management. I was always interested in working in the health care field ever since I was little, but while growing up, I changed my mind a lot on which career I wanted to pursue. I have family members who have worked in the health care field as nurses and radiologists, and it is a field I have always had an admiration for because I enjoy helping people and showing them that there are still kind people in the world. Therefore, when I saw that one of the tracks in the Organizational Management program was Health Care Administration, I researched the field and then made up my mind that this is the field I will be pursuing.

How do you believe SJR State has been most beneficial to you?
From being close to my house to determining which career I wanted to pursue in the future. It has also given me the opportunity to be a student worker, which has helped me develop my work ethic that I will be needing in the future. Being a student worker has also helped me to interact more with people and become a better communicator since I am not a “social butterfly.”
What has been your toughest challenge?
It was during my first couple of semesters. While adapting to how certain things are different from high school and learning how to use my time properly for schoolwork, I had to learn how to balance my everyday activities and schoolwork in order for me to not procrastinate and to stay on track. Since the amount of schoolwork in college is not the same as in high school, it takes a lot of responsibility.

What have you learned most about yourself as a college student?

How hardworking and persistent I can be!

What do you feel you gain as a student by staying “home” and attending a smaller college?
I get to stay close to my family and help them, which is important to me. Also, by attending a smaller college, I get to be in smaller classes and pay closer attention.

How do you hope to make your biggest impact in your community with your bachelor’s degree?
I hope that I can help my community by hopefully working in a hospital, clinic, or doctor’s office and providing them with my skills as a future health care administrator.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Ten years from now, I will be 30 years old. I see myself continuing to serve God while working as a health care administrator, possibly married, and helping those who are in need, my family, and my community in any possible way that I can.

Is there anything else that you’d like to share?

I would not be at SJR State pursuing a career and already finished with my A.A. degree if it wasn’t for the help of God and my family, whom I love, appreciate, and adore very much. God is my everything, and I would like to share a Bible verse: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33. Put God first in your life, and He will take care of everything else and do everything according to His will.

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Article written by Clay Today